5. Papa non vult nec potest ullas penas remittere preter eas, quas arbitrio vel suo vel canonum imposuit. - Der Papst will und kann keine Strafen erlassen, außer solchen, die er auf Grund seiner eigenen Entscheidung oder der der kirchlichen Satzungen auferlegt hat. - The pope neither desires nor is able to remit any penalties except those imposed by his own authority or that of the canons.
10. Indocte et male faciunt sacerdotes ii, qui morituris penitentias canonicias in purgatorium reservant. - Unwissend und schlecht handeln diejenigen Priester, die den Sterbenden kirchliche Bußen für das Fegefeuer aufsparen. - Those priests act ignorantly and wickedly who, in the case of the dying, reserve canonical penalties for purgatory.
21. Errant itaque indulgentiarum predicatres ii, qui dicunt per pape indulgentias hominem ab omni pena solvi et salvari. - Deshalb irren jene Ablaßprediger, die sagen, daß durch die Ablässe des Papstes der Mensch von jeder Strafe frei und los werde. - Thus those indulgence preachers are in error who say that a man is absolved from every penalty and saved by papal indulgences.
36. Quilibet christianus vere compunctus habet remissionem plenariam a pena et culpa etiam sine literis veniarum sibi debitam. - Jeder Christ, der wirklich bereut, hat Anspruch auf völligen Erlaß von Strafe und Schuld, auch ohne Ablaßbrief. - Any truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt, even without indulgence letters.
41. Caute sunt venie apostolice predicande, ne polulus false intelligat eas preferri ceteris bonis operibus charitatis. - Nur mit Vorsicht darf der apostolische Ablaß gepredigt werden, damit das Volk nicht fälschlicherweise meint, er sei anderen guten Werken der Liebe vorzuziehen. - Papal indulgences must be preached with caution, lest people erroneously think that they are preferable to other good works of love.
62. Verus thesaurus ecclesie est sacrosanctum euangelium glorie et gratie dei.- Der wahre Schatz der Kirche ist das allerheiligste Evangelium von der Herrlichkeit und Gnade Gottes. - The true treasure of the church is the most holy gospel of the glory and grace of God.
These are just six of Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses, that he posted at the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg on 31st October 1517. But has he really posted his theses at the doors of the Castle Church? Today historians are not sure if he really posted them, but it is sure that Martin Luther sent his Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum to Albert of Brandenburg, the Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg, to start a academic disputation about the sale of indulgences. After the Archbishop did not answered the letter, Luther gave the theses to some friends, who published them unknown to Luther and thus started a public disputation in the whole Empire. No matter if Martin Luther posted them at the doors of the Castle Church or just sent them to Albert of Brandenburg, the "Thesenanschlag" became a foundation myth of the Reformation. During the jubilee year 2017 everybody is talking about this important event in World's History and the whole year is filled with special events and celebrations in Germany and Europe.
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Theses Doors in Wittenberg |
One of the biggest events for the jubilee was the German Evangelical Church Assembly. It was held in Berlin and Wittenberg between the 24th and 28th May and was attended by over 100000 visitors including Barack Obama. The assembly was accompanied by concerts, open forums and services. Simultaneously there were "Church Assemblies on the Way" in Dessau-Roßlau, Eisleben, Erfurt, Halle, Jena, Leipzig, Magdeburg and Weimar.
For the jubilee a group of Postcrossers organised a series of Meet-ups at important places in Martin Luther's life. The Meet-ups were or will be held in Eisleben (18th February), Erfurt (15th July), Wittenberg (14th October) and Eisenach (2nd December).
To commemorate 500 years Reformation in 2017 Brazil and Germany issued a joint stamp showing Martin Luther. Other special stamps were issued in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, the Faroe Islands, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Namibia, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and the Vatican. Some of these I have in my collection, some others I am still missing. You can see my complete collection here.
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Brazil and Germany (issued 13-04-2017) |
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Vatican (issued 23-11-2017) |
On 31st October there were also many special postmarks available in Germany including a set of postmarks showing all the Luther Memorials on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
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